Acute Inpatient Program

Our team consists of 24-hour psychiatric nursing care and mental health specialists. Case plans may include continuing care with the attending physician, transitioning to partial hospitalization, and an outpatient treatment program or other community resources.

Inpatient Treatment For Adults Includes:

  • Family sessions
  • Group therapy to address treatment issues
  • Professionally directed activity therapy: art, recreation and music
  • Life skills
  • Nursing education groups to deal with anger, loss, grief, self-concept and self-control
  • Medication management and education

If you or a loved one are displaying the following signs of emotional distress, treatment at Poplar Springs Hospital may be helpful:

  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Nervousness
  • Changes in eating or sleeping habits
  • Loss of interest in activities that were previously pleasurable
  • Decline in work performance

To inquire or schedule a no cost assessment, please call 804-733-6874, toll-free 866-546-2229, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.