The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance), a public-private partnership, has partnered with Poplar Springs Hospital to strengthen the country’s clinical capacity to provide innovative suicide prevention and care. The partnership significantly advances one of the central priorities of the Action Alliance—to transform health systems and reduce suicides—and marks Poplar Springs Hospital’s commitment to be at the leading edge of the transformation. As a proud supporter of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, Poplar Springs Hospital provides education and resources to the communities we serve.
Suicide Prevention Efforts at Poplar Springs
We are here to serve your needs. Our facility is geared toward promoting patient well-being, safety, and privacy.
Patriot Support
Poplar Springs Hospital, a TRICARE®-certified facility, is committed to providing a stigma-free treatment environment specifically designed to meet the needs of active duty service members, veterans, spouses and children in all branches of military service. We believe successful behavioral health treatment occurs in the least restrictive setting that provides the most effective intensity of services. Our treatment program uses empirically validated cognitive behavioral and cognitive processing therapeutic approaches that are consistent with Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense treatment guidelines.