Behavioral Health Center in Petersburg, VA

Get assistance with mental or behavioral health disorder by seeking treatment at Poplar Springs Hospital. At our behavioral health center in Petersburg, VA, we offer several treatment programs to help treat a variety of psychiatric and behavioral issues.

A mother and daughter smiling and lying on a blanket in a park

Inpatient, Outpatient and Military Treatment Programs for Adolescents and Adults

Treatment & Services

Adult Inpatient Program

Adult Outpatient Program


Adolescent Outpatient Program

Female-Only Adolescent Residential Treatment Center

Patriot Support Programs

New Call Center in Virginia for Residential Care

Providing additional access to services/support for Virginia youth

Kidlink Treatment Services works with parents, guardians, and other referral sources to identify the most clinically appropriate treatment setting for their children or adolescents. The new KTS Call Center is staffed Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm ET, with professionals who can provide more efficient access to residential care.

To speak to a care coordinator, call 757-922-3332 or email [email protected]. For more information, visit

Kid Link Treatment Services Virginia logo
Entrance to Poplar Springs Hospital

Tour Our Facility

Located in Petersburg, Virginia, our facility offers a serene, historical atmosphere for patients, along with a variety of amenities.

Patient Satisfaction

4.22 / 5
I feel better now than when I was admitted
4.44 / 5
I understand the importance of following my discharge plan

* Data based on patients surveyed between July-December 2024.

Your Feedback Matters

We value your feedback. Please take a few moments to share your review of the service you received while in our care.